Friday, April 29, 2016

Flightless Bird & Waterless Well

Hi ya'll.
It has again been another year, well almost.
I have been real busy and of course, i can't deny the fact that I hv been lazy just as much. eehhe
So to fill you in, I have just graduated from high school. YES you heard me, I'm a high school graduate *fireworks ***** like whattt ?! right. i know.
And therefore, I hereby promise that I'll be more active in blogging, you have my word alright. ;)

Anyways, how do ya'll like my blog's appearance?
It's nothing much but still, I hope ya'll like it =]
I'll improve on my editing skills now that I have more free time bc I'm a real amateur at things such as this, cries. Wait for it you guys !! lol *oh I hope

Okayyyy, so this post is gonna b abt my usual penang short escape w my grandma.
Without further ado, go on and scroll down! ;)

Freshly opened Din Tai Fung (left) & The Six (right), both at Gurney Plaza's LG, serves equally delicious bowls of  happiness. But ofc, DTF costs more bucks lol, so if you're on a budget opt for The Six aye.
AND dont't forget DTF's signature  xiao long paooos! There are both sweet & savory options avail<3

Adventist Bakery is one of the best in town, they say . Cinnamon rolls is a must have (!!)

My addiction, Vineg Plus *some kinda honey fruit vinegar. in the pic is a red dragon combo.
Had actually been wanting to bring this back home, but since I had no a baggage last time, I couldn't. 

This time tho I did, so I bought 2 bottles home! *yay  I'd recommend their grape flavor.

creds to ama and the security hehhehe

hello there

grandma post operation <3
Guess what, turns out my usually 3 days escape ended up to be a one-week break. 
It goes sth like this :

Wednesday was supposedly my last day there. I was in the hospital waiting for my grandma to finish her check up. Just when I thought she's finished, she told me that she has to undergo a surgery to replace her pacemaker in that week. I was dumbfounded ofc, but I quickly snapped back to reality *nowwhydoesitsoundssodramaticlmao , contacted my parents and so on..
Right, to make it short, we then decided to stay and let the tickets pour down the drain. She had her surgery on Friday, and thankfully it went well! There was no place for me to stay in the hospital, so I spent 2 nights alone hhe, but nope, it wasn't scary alryt. Plus, it was rlly close to the hospital, like just a few blocks away. With that being said, it was all a new experience. What is important though is that I feel much closer to my grandma now, and that's pretty cool =)
reading while waiting is the best, esp when it's Murakami                                                      

Empire Sushi, thumbs up for both the price and taste
my fave cinnamon pretzel! Don't be shy and ask for extra cinnamon sugar! *cus I did, ehhe
Yaw's Roast & Grill, a home based concept cafe,  tried the Chef's special and it was pretty good. (y)
I had been craving muahcees (left) for some time so I was v much satisfied.
Pasembur (right) is my first and it turns out to be a savory dish. I actly thought it's sth like rojak lol. Anw it can be made according to your likings, items varying from tofu, potatoes, fishcakes to veggies and sausages,  mostly fried. I didn't choose mine bc I didn't quite get it yet, so the seller just made one for me lmao,
 Anyhow, the taste's okay, tho I prefer gado2 cus this is a lil bit too sweet to my liking hehe. Still, worth a try!

I find them comforting, what do you think?
blocking away the sun, like i can, lol.
Oh also since Melva came to Penang on Saturday, we spent some quality time tgt, hoho.

ft. mini Gilbert

always a cutie, Mel is

grandma too <3
back home

Alrightie, that's a wrap!
Oh yeah, you guys might notice that some of the pictures' styles are different. Well I figure this blog needed touch ups, so I put some effort lol. Hope ya'll likin itttt   *omg I just realized that we cn insert emojis, maaan.

Anyhow, I know I promised to post my Japan's trip but it's gonna have to wait for some time, sorry, because the next post will be my trip to Aussie last November. However, I do promise I'll update by next month. 

Stay tuned! xx

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